with this arduino example ,you will learn how to read signals from CH-926 coin acceptor ,and then use LED to response .so alternatively .you can use coin acceptor to control any other device to charge fee for your service .
Wirings :
2. coin acceptor output pin ( white wire ) -- arduino pin D2 .
3. LED control pin : pin D8 ( add 220 ohm resistance between D8 & LED )
code :
int Ledpin = 8;
int Coinpin = 2 ;
void setup( )
pinMode( Coinpin,INPUT);
void loop ( )
if (digitalRead( Coinpin) == HIGH)
else if (digitalRead( Coinpin) == LOW)
code 2: updated on 2019 june, using interrupt method:
// by Sintron ccfeng june 2019
const byte builtinLED = 13;
const byte ledPin = 8;
const byte coin_input = 2;
volatile byte state = LOW;
boolean coin_flag = false ;
void setup() {
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(coin_input, INPUT_PULLUP);
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(coin_input), CH926, FALLING);
void loop() {
if (coin_flag == true )
delay (15);
state = !state;
digitalWrite(ledPin, state); // you can also use this for a relay
digitalWrite(builtinLED, state); // check if the bulit in LED changes
coin_flag = false ; // remove the flag
Serial.println("got a coin in"); // you can also check in serial monitor
void CH926() {
coin_flag = true;
Material list :
1. Sintron arduino-compatible board
2. Sintron CH-926 coin acceptor
3. LED
4. 220 ohm resistor *1
5. 12V power supply *1